
$19.4 million to 318 Palm Beach County Charities

Great Charity Challenge sponsored by Fidelity Investments®

Founded in 2009, the Great Charity Challenge sponsored by Fidelity Investments® (GCC) came forward as a way to increase funding to local non-profits, following the 2008 economic crisis, at a time when donations were scarce.

In its first year, the event generated over $400,000, benefiting 24 local charities. Today, the event has grown to benefit over 30 local charities competing for over $1+ million each year.

To date, the GCC has distributed $19.4 million to 318 Palm Beach County non-profit organizations. 

To view the Community Impact of the event, we invite you to click here.

To view a full list of benefiting organizations, please click here.

Our Values

Professionalism: We are “Impact Driven”.

Through partnerships with Fidelity Investments® and Bank of America, our vetting and granting process are strict and thorough, ensuring that benefiting non-profits are impactful as well as financially and operationally secure.


Transparency: Charities Receive 100% of Donations. 

The Equestrian Sport Productions management team, who oversees and organizes the Winter Equestrian Festival, takes on all the expenses associated with the event, ensuring your donations go straight to work.

Impartiality: A Lottery Style Selection Process. 

To guarantee full transparency, participating non-profits are assigned a “lottery ball” that is thrown in a raffle drum. All drawings are done publicly.

Bridging the Gap: Uniting Local Communities.

The event is a true team effort, uniting the equestrian and local communities to foster the change they wish to see in their own backyards.

1 Night - 1 Community - $2 million to Charities

Join this Community Effort as a Donor/Sponsor

Donations and sponsorships from local families, foundations, businesses, vendors, equestrians, and visitors, ranging from $5 to $200,000, are what make the event reach its fundraising goals every year.

For additional information on how to join this community effort, please visit: Our Sponsorship Information Page or contact Anne Caroline Valtin, Executive Director: acv@greatcharitychallenge.com or 727-678-8677.